Three ways to search the MLS that I offer to my clients:
- You have free access to a search engine called Listingbook. Listingbook is up to the minute accurate with the MLS. You control your search 24/7 to find the perfect property. We stay in contact by email or phone to get your questions answered.
- We search together. You give me your basic search criteria and together we look. You would set up on Listingbook and I sep up a search on the MLS which can be a bit more specific. When I find something you might like I will either call or email you with the information and you will do the same with me.
- You give me your 'wish list' - needs, price range and areas you would like to live in. I set up a custom search directly in the MLS and will contact you when any new properties fit your criteria. I am glad to preview as many as possible, before getting you involved to see the property, in person. Looking forward to working together to help you find the perfect home.
Study your competition! I complete my analysis and present to you what I believe your property will sell for and now you have a way to check my work. Listingbook, which I provide to you, is a search engine that focuses on real estate. They have a tool for the seller called CyberCMA. This tool helps you look for comparable properties in your area and helps arrive at a reasonable price to sell.